Monday, June 8, 2015

Exfoliate to get healthier skin with an electric face cleansing brush

As we age, cell turn over slows down and your skin can start to look dull. If you want glowing skin, then you will need to add some form of exfoliation!


Glowing Skin with Face Cleansing Brush


Exfoliating has numerous benefits:

  • It is more effective at banishing impurities while increasing blood circulation under the skin.

  • Because your face is cleaner, products such as moisturizers, anti-aging serums and topical retinoids penetrate better.

  • By removing dead cells your skin will look softer and smoother.

  • By speeding up cell rejuvenation and improving circulation your skin will look more glowing and vibrant.

  • Strengthens the skin structure.

  • Prevents clogged pores which can leads to blackheads and other skin problems. Your skin will be less prone to breakouts.

However, there can be some disadvantages too. As with anything in life… too much of a good thing isn’t always good for you or your skin. Someone with dry skin should not be exfoliating as much as someone who has oily skin. You will be able to gauge how your skin is reacts to scrubs and create your own exfoliating regimen. If you do over-scrub your face, stop immediately and let your skin heal.

Exfoliating is definitely not for everyone. People with skin issues or sensitive skin should check with their dermatologist before exfoliating.

Ways to exfoliate:

You can exfoliate with a washcloth, facial scrubs or you can use a brush. And, that is the practice of exfoliation that I’m going to talk about. An electric facial cleansing brush to be precise.


Electric Face Cleansing Brush
There are many facial brushes on the market. You can buy inexpensive manual facial brushes that cost just a few dollars, as well as high end electric facial brushes costing over a hundred. There are many electronic facial brushes that can be purchased at a reasonable price too. I would suggest researching what you need and want from an electronic facial brush and perhaps starting out with an inexpensive drug store variety.

How to Use an Electric Face cleansing Brush:

Though electronic face brushes are designed for daily use, I would suggest that you ease the brush into your routine. Try using it once or twice a week at first and slowly build up to your use. Normal skin types can potentially use it every day, while those with more sensitive complexions should stick with once or twice a week.
  • Remove any makeup by prior to using the brush. No need to move old makeup around with the brush.    

  • Use a good foaming cleanser with your brush.
  • Apply a small amount of cleanser (a little goes a long way) to your damp skin or to a wet brush.
  • Cleanse your face from your hairline to your neck. Apply light pressure, just enough to give your skin a nice glow without making it sore. Move the brush in small circles covering every part of your face. Do Not use the brush on the delicate skin around your eyes.

How to Use Electric Face Cleansing Brush


  • After brushing, thoroughly rinse and dry your face.

  • Follow up your cleansing with any topical products/medications you may use, and then with moisturizer

  • You don’t want to undo your efforts, be sure to protect you skin daily (rain or shine) with a broad spectrum SPF. You can read more about broad spectrum SPF sunscreen here.

How to Care for your Electric Face Cleansing Brush:

Because bacteria thrive in damp environments, keep your brush clean and mildew-free, by washing it with a mild liquid soap, pat it with a towel and let it air-dry after each use.
Once a week, sanitize your brush head by soaking it in a bowl of rubbing alcohol for a couple of minutes. Don't rinse the alcohol off and let the brush head air-dry on a towel.
And, if you use your brush in the shower, do not store it there. Be sure to dry the head prior to storing to keep mold and mildew from becoming a problem.

You'll need to change your brush head at least once every three months because the bristles become fatigued and less effective over time.

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