Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Celebrate your life!

As I was walking thru the living room I took notice of the light breeze the overhead fan made, and how the sunlight was streaming through the windows and open front door, and how I could hear the neighborhood kids laughing and playing. And, it struck me again, “I love our house”!

Bright and airy
Our house is light, bright and airy. And, if you know me; then you know that is exactly how I am on my good days.


There are aspects of my housing I do not like, and I can say the same of my life. It just isn’t a life that fulfills me with lightness and contentment.

I’ve just recently found the blog of master life coach, Tonya Leigh and she believes in celebrating life. As I was walking thru the living room that is precisely what it felt like… A celebration of living comfortably! I thrive in an environment that is light and bright. And, that is exactly how I want all aspects of my life to be.


It just seems like lately I’ve had more of a closed up and dark outlook on life and that is not my true self. My goal for the rest of this year is to get back to my true self. I’m not sure how I’m going to do this, but I do know it will be a journey of self-discovery or rediscovery. And, that I’m going to make an effort to see the positive (light) side of my life. I’m going to attempt to open up the dark parts and allow light to fill all aspects of my life!

And, today is the first step… I love our house because it is light, bright and airy and it represent the exact description I want people to see when they think of me!

What are you celebrating in your life?

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