Saturday, February 28, 2015

My Real Age or What I Tell People?

I don't want to look good for my age... I want to look good P.E.R.I.O.D.!

I'm going to start a quest on what it takes to maintain and improve. I have been working out for years and just recently kicked it up a notch and I’m seeing great improvement but…

I have a co-worker that stated on her facebook wall that she is getting back in shape so that she looks like the 28 year old that people think that she is. I work out on a daily basis and if nothing else… I’m starting to look older. There is no way anyone would mistake me to be 10 years younger than I am. Perhaps it is time to pull out the wallet and make an appointment with the dermatologist.
Repost from "Hey There Carole" 03/11

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